Complete Literature Abstracts - Sorted by Subject and Chronologically (Adobe Acrobat Reader required)

Complete Literature Abstracts - Sorted Chronologically (Adobe Acrobat Reader required)

Publications - Sorted by Subject and Chronologically (Adobe Acrobat Reader required)

Publications Sorted Chronologically - Revised 07/26/11

1. M.P. Rigney, T.P. Weber, P.W. Carr, "Preparation and Evaluation of a Polymer-Coated Zirconia Reversed-Phase Chromatographic Support, "J. Chromatogr. 484, 273-91 (1989).

2. M.P. Rigney, E.F. Funkenbusch, and P.W. Carr, "Physical and Chemical Characterization of Microporous Zirconia," J. Chromatogr. 499, 291-304 (1990).

3. T.P. Weber, P.W. Carr, and E.F. Funkenbusch, "Evaluation of a Zirconia-Based Carbon-Polymer Composite Reversed-Phase Chromatographic Support," J. Chromatogr. 519, 31-52 (1990).

4. T.P. Weber, P.W. Carr, "Comparison of Isomer Separation on Carbon-Clad Microporous Zirconia and on Conventional Reversed-Phase High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Supports," Anal. Chem. 62, 2620-5 (1990).

5. J.A. Blackwell and P.W. Carr, "Study of the Fluoride Adsorption Characteristics of Porous Microparticulate Zirconium Oxide," J. Chromatogr. 549, 43-57 (1991).

6. J.A. Blackwell and P.W. Carr, "Fluoride-Modified Zirconium Oxide as a Biocompatible Stationary Phase for High-Performance Liquid Chromatography," J. Chromatogr. 549, 59-75 (1991).

7. D.W. Karl, J.C. Magnusson, P.W. Carr, and M.C. Flickinger, "Preliminary Assessment of Removal of Pyrogenic Lipopolysaccharides with Colloidal Zirconia Adsorbents," Enzyme Microb. Technol. 13, 708-15 (1991).

8. J.A. Blackwell and P.W. Carr, "A Chromatographic Study of the Lewis Acid-Base Chemistry of Zirconia Surfaces," J. Liq. Chromatogr. 14(15), 2875-89 (1991).

9. W.A. Schafer, P.W. Carr, E.F. Funkenbusch, and K.A. Parson, "Physical and Chemical Characterization of Porous Phosphate-Modified Zirconia Substrate," J. Chromatogr. 587, 137-47 (1991).

10. W.A. Schafer, P.W. Carr, "Chromatographic Characterization of a Phosphate Modified Zirconia Support for Bio-chromatographic Applications," J. Chromatogr. 587, 149-60 (1991).

11. J.A. Blackwell and P.W. Carr, "Ligand Exchange Chromatography of Free Amino Acids on Phosphated Zirconium Oxide Supports," J. Liq. Chromatogr. 15, 727-51 (1992).

12. J.A. Blackwell and P.W. Carr, "Role of Lewis Acid-Base Processes in Ligand-Exchange Chromatography of Benzoic Acid Derivatives on Zirconium Oxide," Anal. Chem. 64, 853-62 (1992).

13. J.A. Blackwell and P.W. Carr, "Development of an Eluotropic Series for the Chromatography of Lewis Bases on Zirconium Oxide," Anal. Chem. 64, 863-73 (1992).

14. J.A. Blackwell and P.W. Carr, "Ligand Exchange Chromatography of Free Amino Acids and Proteins on Porous Microparticulate Zirconium Oxide," J. Liq. Chromatogr. 15(9), 1487-1506 (1992).

15. J.A. Blackwell and P.W. Carr, "Ion- and Ligand-Exchange Chromatography of Proteins Using Porous Zirconium Oxide Supports in Organic and Inorganic Lewis Base Eluents," J. Chromatogr. 596, 27-41 (1992).

16. P.W. Carr, J.A. Blackwell, T.P. Weber, W.A. Schafer, and M.P. Rigney, "Zirconium Oxide Based Supports for Biochromatographic Applications," in Chromatography in Biotechnology, C. Horvath and L.S. Ettre, (Eds.), ACS Symposium Series No. 529, 146-64 (1993).

17. J. Nawrocki, M.P. Rigney, A. McCormick, and P.W. Carr, Review, "Chemistry of Zirconia and Its Use in Chromatography," J. Chromatogr. A 657, 229-82 (1993).

18. L. Sun, A.V. McCormick, and P.W. Carr, "Study of the Irreversible Adsorption of Proteins on Polybutadiene Coated Zirconia," J. Chromatogr. A 658, 465-73 (1994).

19. L. Sun, M. Annen, C. Francisco Lorrenzano-Porras, P.W. Carr and A. McCormick, "Synthesis of Porous Zirconia Spheres for HPLC by Polymerization-Induced Aggregation (PICA)," J. Colloid Interface Sci. 163, 464-73 (1994).

20. C. Francisco Lorrenzano-Porras, P.W. Carr and A.V. McCormick, "Relationship between Pore Structure and Diffusion Tortuosity of ZrO2 Colloidal Aggregates," J. Colloid Interface Sci. 164, 1-8 (1994).

21. M.H. Glavanovich and P.W. Carr, "Easily Regenerable Affinity Chromatographic Zirconia-Based Support with Concanavalin A as a Model Ligand," Anal. Chem. 66, 2584-9 (1994).

22. C. McNeff, Q.H. Zhao, and P.W. Carr, "High-Performance Anion-Exchange of Small Anions with Polyethyleneimine Coated Porous Zirconia," J. Chromatogr. A 684, 201-11 (1994).

23. J Nawrocki, C.J. Dunlap, P.W. Carr, and J.A. Blackwell, Review, "New Materials for Biotechnology: Chromatographic Stationary Phases Based on Zirconia," Biotechnol. Prog. 10, 561-73 (1994).

24. M.J. Annen, R. Kizhappali, P.W. Carr, and A. McCormick, "Development of Porous Zirconia Spheres by Polymerization-Induced Colloid Aggregation-Effect of Polymerization Rate," J. Mater. Sci. 29, 6123-30 (1994).

25. C. Francisco Lorrenzano-Porras, M.J. Annen, M.C. Flickinger, P.W. Carr and A.V. McCormick, "Pore Structure and Diffusion Tortuosity of Porous ZrO2 Synthesized by Two Different Colloid-Aggregation Processes," J. Colloid Interface Sci. 170, 299-307 (1995).

26. C. McNeff and P.W. Carr, "High-Performance Anion-Exchange Chromatography of Oligonucleotides and Oligodeoxynucleotides on Quaternized Polyethyleneimine-Coated Zirconia," Anal. Chem. 67, 2350-3 (1995).

27. L. Sun and P.W. Carr, "Mixed-Mode Retention of Peptides on Phosphate-Modified Polybutadiene-Coated Zirconia," Anal. Chem. 67, 2517-23 (1995).

28. T.P. Weber, P.T. Jackson, and P.W. Carr, "Chromatographic Evaluation of Porous Carbon-Clad Zirconia Microparticles," Anal. Chem. 67, 3042-50 (1995).

28a. D.A. Whitman, T.P. Weber, J.A. Blackwell, "Chemometric Characterization of Lewis-Base Modified Zirconia for Normal Phase Chromatography," Journal of Chromatography A, 691, 205-212 (1995).

29. C. Francisco Lorrenzano-Porras, D.H. Reeder, M.J. Annen, P.W. Carr and A.V. McCormick, "Unusual Sintering Behavior of Porous Chromatographic Zirconia Produced by Polymerization-Induced Colloid Aggregation," Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 34, 2719-27 (1995).

30. L. Sun and P.W. Carr, "Chromatography of Proteins Using Polybutadiene-Coated Zirconia," Anal. Chem. 67, 3717-21 (1995).

31. C. McNeff and P.W. Carr, "Synthesis and Use of Quaternized Polyethyleneimine-Coated Zirconia for High-Performance Anion-Exchange Chromatography," Anal. Chem. 67, 3886-92 (1995).

32. C.J. Dunlap, P.W. Carr and A.V. McCormick, "A Chromatographic Comparison of the Pore Structures of Zirconia High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Materials Made by the Polymerization Induced Colloidal Aggregation and the Oil Emulsion Methods," Chromatographia, 42(5-6), 273-282 (1996).

33. C.J. Dunlap and P.W. Carr, "The Effect of Mobile Phase on Protein Retention and Recovery Using Carboxymethyl Dextran-Coated Zirconia Stationary Phases," J. Liq. Chrom. & Relat. Technol. 19, 2059-76 (1996).

34. J. Nawrocki, P.W. Carr, M.J. Annen and S. Froelicher, "A TGA Investigation of Hydrated Monoclinic Zirconia," Analytica Chimica Acta, 327(3), 261-266 (1996).

35. J.W. Li and P.W. Carr, "The Retention Characteristics of Polybutadiene-Coated Zirconia and Comparison to Conventional Bonded Phases," Anal. Chem., 68(17), 2857-2868 (1996).

36. C.J. Dunlap and P.W. Carr, "Synthesis and Chromatographic Characterization of Dextran-Coated Zirconia High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Stationary Phases," J. Chromatogr. A 746, 199-210 (1996).

37. D.H. Reeder, A.M. Clausen, M.J. Annen, P.W. Carr, M.C. Flickinger, and A.V. McCormick, Note, "An Approach to Hierarchically-Structured Porous Zirconia Aggregates," J. Colloid Interface Sci. 184, 328-30 (1996).

38. J. Li and P.W. Carr, "Characterization of Polybutadiene-Coated Zirconia and Comparison to Conventional Bonded Phase by Use of Linear Solvation Energy Relationships," Analytica Chimica Acta, 334, 239-250 (1996).

39. P.T. Jackson, M.R. Schure, T.P. Weber, and P.W. Carr, "Intermolecular Interactions Involved in Solute Retention on Carbon Media in Reversed-Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography," Anal. Chem., 69, 416-425 (1997).

40. D.H. Reeder, J.W. Li, P.W. Carr, M.C. Flickinger and A.V. McCormick, "Models for Polybutadiene Pore Wall Coatings in Porous Zirconia," J. Chromatogr., 760(1), 71-79 (1997).

41. J.W. Li and P.W. Carr, "Effect of Temperature on the Thermodynamic Properties, Kinetic Performance, and Stability of Polybutadiene-Coated Zirconia," Anal. Chem., 69(5), 837-843 (1997).

42. J.W. Li and P.W. Carr, "A Study of the Efficiency of Polybutadiene-Coated Zirconia as a Reversed-Phase Chromatographic Support," Anal. Chem., 69(11), 2193-2201 (1997).

43. J.W. Li and P.W. Carr, "Evaluation of Temperature Effects on Selectivity in RPLC Separations Using Polybutadiene-Coated Zirconia," Anal. Chem., 69(11), 2202-2206 (1997).

44. J.W. Li, Y. Hu, and P.W. Carr, "Fast Separations at Elevated Temperatures on Polybutadiene-Coated Zirconia Reversed-Phase Material," Anal. Chem. 69, 3884-8 (1997).

45. M.J. Robichaud, A.R. Sathyagal, P.W. Carr, A.V. McCormick, and M.C. Flickinger, Technical Note, "An Improved Oil Emulsion Synthesis Method for Large, Porous Zirconia Particles for Packed- or Fluidized-Bed Protein Chromatography," Sep. Sci. Technol. 32, 2547-59 (1997).

46. P.T. Jackson, T.-Y. Kim, and P.W. Carr, "Diastereomeric Selectivity of Carbon-Coated Zirconia Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatographic Media," Anal. Chem. 69, 5011-17 (1997).

47. A.M. Clausen and P.W. Carr, "Chromatographic Characterization of Phosphonate Analog EDTA-Modified Zirconia Support for Biochromatographic Applications," Anal. Chem. 70, 378-85 (1998).

48. J.W. Li, D.H. Reeder, A.V. McCormick, and P.W. Carr, "Factors Influencing Polybutadiene Deposition within Porous Chromatographic Zirconia," J. Chromatogr. A 791, 45-52 (1998).

49. Y. Hu and P.W. Carr, "Synthesis and Characterization of New Zirconia-Based Polymeric Cation-Exchange Stationary Phases for High-Performance Liquid Chromatography of Proteins," Anal. Chem. 70, 1934-42 (1998).

50. J. Zhao and P.W. Carr, "Comparison of the Retention Characteristics of Aromatic and Aliphatic Reversed Phases for HPLC Using Linear Solvation Energy Relationships," Anal. Chem. 70, 3619-28 (1998).

51. P.T. Jackson and P.W. Carr, "Improving Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography," CHEMTECH 28, 29-37 (1998).

52. A.M. Clausen, A. Subramanian, and P.W. Carr, "Purification of Monoclonal Antibodies from Cell Culture Supernatants Using a Modified Zirconia Based Cation-Exchange Support," J. Chromatogr. A 831, 63-72 (1999).

53. J. Zhao and P.W. Carr, "An Approach to the Concept of Resolution Optimization through Changes in the Effective Chromatographic Selectivity," Anal. Chem. 71, 2623-2632 (1999).

54. Cecelia B. Castells and P.W. Carr, "Cellulose tris(3,5-dimethylphenylcarbamate) Coated Zirconia as a Chiral Stationary Phase for HPLC," Anal. Chem., 71, 3013-3021 (1999).

55. J. Zhao and P.W. Carr, "Synthesis and Evaluation of an Aromatic Polymer-Coated Zirconia for Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography," Anal. Chem. 71, 5217-5224 (1999).

56. C.V. McNeff, Q. Zhao, E. Almolof, M. Flickinger, P.W. Carr, "Synthesis and Use of Quaternized PEI-Zirconia for the Efficient Removal of Endotoxins from Proteins," Anal. Biochem., 274, 181-187 (1999).

56a. N. Wu, Q. Tang, Y. Shen, M.L. Lee, "Polybutadiene-Coated Zirconia Packing Materials in Solvating Gas Chromatography Using Carbon Dioxide as Mobile Phase," Chromatographia, 49(7-8), 431-435 (1999).

56b. Q. Tang, Y. Shen, N. Wu, M.L. Lee, "In Situ Crosslinked Polybutadiene-Encapsulated Zirconia as a Monolithic Column for Fast Solvating Gas Chromatography," J. Microcolumn Separations, 11(6), 415-420 (1999).

56c. A. Mullick and M.C. Flickinger, "Expanded Bed Adsorption of Human Serum Albumin from Very Dense Saccharomyces cerevesiae Suspensions on Fluoride-Modified Zirconia," Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol. 65, 282-290 (1999).

57. A. Subramanian, P.W. Carr, C.V. McNeff, "Use of Spray-Dried Zirconia Microspheres in the Separation of Immunoglobulins from Cell Culture Supernatant," Journal of Chromatography A, 890(1), 15-23 (2000).

57a. T. Scott Kephart and Purnendu K. Dasgupta, "Hot Eluent Capillary Liquid Chromatography Using Zirconia and Titania Based Stationary Phases," Analytica Chimica Acta 414, 71-78 (2000).

57b. C.B. Castells, P.W. Carr, "Fast Enantioseparations of Basic Analytes by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Using Cellulose Tris(3,5-dimethylphenylcarbamate)-Coated Zirconia Stationary Phases," Journal of Chromatography A, 904(1), 17-33 (2000).

58. Y. Mao and P.W. Carr, "Adjusting Selectivity in Liquid Chromatography by Use of the Thermally Tuned Tandem Column Concept," Anal. Chem. 72, 110-118 (2000).

59. J. Zhao and P.W. Carr, "A Comparative Study of the Chromatographic Selectivity of Polystyrene-Coated Zirconia and Related Reversed-Phase Materials," Anal. Chem. 72, 302-309 (2000).

60. B. Yan, J. Zhao, J.S. Brown, J. Blackwell and P.W. Carr, "High-Temperature Ultrafast Liquid Chromatography," Anal. Chem. 72, 1253-1262 (2000).

61. Y. Mao and P.W. Carr, "Application of the Thermally Tuned Tandem Column Concept to the Separation of Several Families of Environmental Toxicants," Anal. Chem., 72, 2788-2796 (2000).

62. Akio Yuchi, Yasuharu Mizuno, Tomonori Yonemoto, "Ligand-Exchange Chromatography at Zirconium(IV) Immobilized on IDA-Type Chelating Polymer Gel," Anal. Chem., 72, 15, 3642-3646 (2000).

63. J. Zhao, P.W. Carr, "Quaternized Trimethylaminated Polystyrene-Coated Zirconia as a Strong Anion Exchange Material for HPLC," Anal. Chem. 72, 4413-4419 (2000).

64. C.B. Castells, P.W. Carr, "A Study of Thermodynamics and Influence of Temperature of Chiral High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Separations Using Cellulose tris(3,5-dimethylphenylcarbamate) Coated Zirconia Stationary Phases," Chromatographia, 52(9-10), 535-542 (2000).

65. C. McNeff, L. Zigan, K. Johnson, P.W. Carr, A. Wang, A.M. Weber-Main, "Analytical Advantages of Highly Stable Stationary Phases for Reversed-Phase LC," LCGC, 18(5), 514-529 (2000). (PDF version)

66. J.H. Park, J.K. Ryu, J.K. Park, C.V. McNeff, P.W. Carr, "Separation of Enantiomers on Bovine Serum Albumin Coated Zirconia in Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography," Chromatographia, 53(7-8), 405-408 (2001).

67. Y. Mao and P.W. Carr, "Separation of Barbiturates and Phenylthiohydantoin Amino Acids Using the Thermally Tuned Tandem Column Concept," Anal. Chem., 73, 1821-1830 (2001).

68. Brain C. Trammell, Marc A. Hillmyer, Peter W. Carr, "A Study of the Lewis Acid-Base Interactions of Vinylphosphonic Acid-Modified Polybutadiene-Coated Zirconia," Anal. Chem., 73, 14, 3323-3331 (2001).

69. B. Yan, C.V. McNeff, F. Chen, P.W. Carr, A.V. McCormick, "Control of Synthesis Conditions to Improve Zirconia Microspheres for Ultrafast Chromatography," J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 84(8), 1721-1727 (2001).

70. Sung Yeh Park, Jung Kon Park, Jung Hag Park, Clayton V. McNeff, Peter W. Carr, "Separation of Racemic 2,4-dinitrophenyl amino acids on carboxymethyl-ß-cyclodextrin Coated Zirconia in RPLC," Microc. J., 70, 179-185 (2001).

71. Christopher J. Dunlap, Peter W. Carr, Clayton V. McNeff, Dwight Stoll, "Zirconia Stationary Phases for Extreme Separations," Anal. Chem., 598A-607A (2001).

71a. Yun Mao and Peter W. Carr, "Separation of Selected Basic Pharmaceuticals by Reversed-Phase and Ion- Exchange Chromatography Using Thermally Tuned Tandem Columns," Anal. Chemistry; 73(18); 4478-4485 (2001).

71b. Steven M. Fields, Christine Q. Ye, Dee Dee Zhang, B. Russell Branch, X. Jason Zhang, Ngozi Okafo, "Superheated Water as Eluent in High-temperature High-performance Liquid Chromatographic Separations of Steroids on a Polymer-coated Zirconia Column," Journal of Chromatography A, 913, 197 - 204 (2001).

71c. N. Wu, Q. Tang, J.A. Lippert, M.L. Lee, "Packed Capillary Column Solvating Gas Chromatography Using Neat Water Mobile Phase and Flame Ionization Detection," J. Microcolumn Separations, 13(2), 41-47 (2001).

72. Jonathan D. Thompson and Peter W. Carr, "A Study of the Critical Criteria for Analyte Stability in High-Temperature Liquid Chromatography," Anal. Chem., 74, 1017-1023 (2002).

73. Anuradha Subramanian and Sabyaschi Sarkar "Use of a Modified Zirconia Support in the Separation of Immunoproteins," Journal of Chromatography A, 944, 179-187 (2002).

73a. D. Xiang, L. Tang and J.A. Blackwell, "Evaluation of the Stability and Selectivity for Various Adjustable Stationary Phases Using Zirconium Oxide Supports in High-Performance Liquid Chromatography," Journal of Chromatography A, 953(1-2), 67-77 (2002).

73b. P.T. Jackson and P.W. Carr, "Study of Polar and Nonpolar Substituted Benzenes and Aromatic Isomers on Carbon-coated Zirconia and Alkyl Bonded Phases," Journal of Chromatography A, 958(1-2), 121-129 (2002).

74. Y. Hu, X. Yang and P.W. Carr, "Mixed-mode Reversed-phase and Ion-exchange Separations of Cationic Analytes on Polybutadiene-coated Zirconia," Journal of Chromatography A, 968, 17-29 (2002).

75. M. Gray, G.R. Dennis, P. Wormell, R.A. Shalliker and P. Slonecker, "Two Dimensional Reversed-phase-reversed-phase Separations: Isomeric Separations Incorporating C18 and Carbon Clad Zirconia Stationary Phases," Journal of Chromatography A, 975, 285-297 (2002).

76. Y. Hu and P.W. Carr, "The Special Effect of Fluoride on the Chromatography of Acidic Analytes on Polybutadiene-Coated Zirconia," Chromatographia, 56(7-8), 439-444 (2002).

77. R.A. Henry, "Highly Selective Zirconia-based Phases for HPLC Applications," American Laboratory, 34(22), 18-25 (2002).

77a. T.S. Kephart, P.K. Dasgupta, "Superheated Water Eluent Capillary Liquid Chromatography," Talanta, 56, 977-987 (2002).

77b. B.A. Musial, A.J. Sommer, N.D. Danielson, "Microchannel Thin Layer Chromatography with in Situ Plate Scanning Micro-DRIFTS Detection Using Plain and Polybutadiene Modified Zirconia Stationary Phases," Applied Spectroscopy, 56(8), 1059-1066 (2002).

78. Y. Xiang, B. Yan, B. Yue, C.V. McNeff, P.W. Carr, M.L. Lee, "Elevated-temperature Ultrahigh-pressure Liquid Chromatography Using Very Small Polybutadiene-coated Nonporous Zirconia Particles," Journal of Chromatography A, 983, 83-89 (2003).

78a. E. Van Gyseghem, S. Van Hemelryck, M. Daszykowski, F. Questier, D.L. Massart, Y. Vander Heyden, "Determining Orthogonal Chromatographic Systems Prior to the Development of Methods to Characterise Impurities in Drug Substances," Journal of Chromatography A, 988(1), 77-93 (2003).

79. S. Sarkar, P.W. Carr, C.V. McNeff, A. Subramanian, "Characterization and Optimization of a Chromatographic Process Based on Ethylenediamine-N,N ,N' ,N' -tetra(methylphosphonic) acid-modified Zirconia Particles," Journal of Chromatography B, 790, 143-152 (2003).

79a. P. He, Yu Yang, "Studies on the Long-Term Thermal Stability of Stationary Phases in Subcritical Water Chromatography", Journal of Chromatography A, 989, 55-63 (2003).

79b. A. Subramanian and S. Sarkar, "Interaction of Immunoglobulin G with N,N,N',N'-ethylenediaminetetramethylenephosphonic Acid-modified Zirconia," Journal of Chromatography A, 989(1), 131-138 (2003).

80. Y. Mao and P.W. Carr, "The Thermally Tuned Tandem Column Approach to Optimizing Selectivity in HPLC," LCGC North America, 21(2), 150-167 (2003).

81. X. Yang, J. Dai, P.W. Carr, "Analysis and Critical Comparison of the Reversed-phase and Ion-exchange contributions to Retention on Polybutadiene Coated Zirconia and Octadecyl Silane Bonded Silica Phases," Journal of Chromatography A, 996, 13-31 (2003).

82. Y. Xiang, B. Yan, B. Yue, C.V. McNeff, P.W. Carr, M.L. Lee, "Synthesis of Micron Diameter Polybutadiene-encapsulated Non-porous Zirconia Particles for Ultrahigh Pressure Liquid Chromatography," Journal of Chromatography A, 1002, 71-78 (2003).

82a. J. Dai, X. Yang, P.W. Carr, "Comparison of the Chromatography of Octadecyl Silane Bonded Silica and Polybutadiene-Coated Zirconia Phases Based on a Diverse Set of Cationic Drugs," Journal of Chromatography A, 1005(1-2), 63-82 (2003).

82b. M.J. Gray, G.R. Dennis, P.J. Slonecker, R.A. Shalliker, "Evaluation of the Two-Dimensional Reversed-Phase-Reversed-Phase Separations of Low-Molecular Mass Polystyrenes," Journal of Chromatography A, 1015(1-2), 89-98 (2003).

83. R.P. Hunter, D.E. Koch, A. Mutlow, R. Isaza, "Extraction and Quantitation of Carfentanil and Naltrexone in Goat Plasma with Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry," Journal of Chromatography B, 793, 351-355 (2003).

84. T. Andersen, Quynh-Nhu T. Nguyen, R. Trones, T. Greibrokk, "Mesoporous Polybutadiene-Modified Zirconia for High-Temperature Packed Capillary Liquid Chromatography: Column Preparation and Temperature Programming Stability," Journal of Chromatography A, 1018, 7-18 (2003).

84a. L.J. Lamm, Yu Yang, "Off-Line Coupling of Subcritical Water Extraction with Subcritical Water Chromatography via a Sorbent Trap and Thermal Desorption", Analytical Chemistry, 75, 2237-2242 (2003).

84b. I.W. Kim, J.K. Ryu, S.D. Ahn, J.H. Park, K.P. Lee, J.J. Ryoo, M.H. Hyun, Y. Okamoto, C. Okamoto, P.W. Carr, "Comparison of Chiral Separation on Amylose and Cellulose tris(3,5-dimethylphenylcarbamate)-coated Zirconia in HPLC," Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 24(2), 239-242 (2003).

84c. J.H. Park, Y.C. Whang, Y.J. Jung, Y. Okamoto, C. Yamamoto, P.W. Carr, C.V. McNeff, "Separation of Racemic Compounds on Amylose and Cellulose Dimethylphenylcarbamate-coated Zirconia in HPLC", Journal of Separation Science, 26(15-16), 1331-1336 (2003).

85. D.E. Koch, R. Isaza, J.W. Carpenter, R.P. Hunter, "Simultaneous Extraction and Quantitation of Fentanyl and Norfentanyl from Primate Plasma with LC/MS Detection," Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 34, 577-584 (2004).

86. E. Schleyer, S. Pursche, C.H. Köhne, U. Schuler, U. Renner, H. Gschaidmeier, J. Freiberg-Richter, T. Leopold, A. Jenke, M. Bonin, T. Bergemann, P. le Coutre, M. Gruner, M. Bornhäuser, O.G. Ottmann, G. Ehninger, "Liquid Chromatographic Method for Detection and Quantitation of STI-571 and its Main Metabolite N-Desmethyl-STI in Plasma, Urine, Cerebrospinal Fluid, Culture Medium and Cell Preparations," Journal of Chromatography B, 799, 23-36 (2004).

86a. E. Van Gyseghem, I. Crosiers, S. Gourvenec, D.L. Massart, Y. Vander Heyden, "Determining Orthogonal and Similar Chromatographic Systems from the Injection of Mixtures in Liquid Chromatography-Diode Array Detection and the Interpretation of Correlation Coefficients Color Maps," Journal of Chromatography A, 1026, 117-128 (2004).

87. J. Nawrocki, C. Dunlap, A. McCormick, P. W. Carr, "Part I. Chromatography Using Ultra-Stable Metal Oxide-Based Stationary Phases for HPLC," Journal of Chromatography A, 1028, 1-30 (2004).

88. J. Nawrocki, C. Dunlap, J. Li, J. Zhao, C.V. McNeff, A. McCormick, P.W. Carr, "Part II. Chromatography Using Ultra-Stable Metal Oxide-Based Stationary Phases for HPLC," Journal of Chromatography A, 1028, 31-62 (2004).

89. M. Gray, G.R. Dennis, P.J. Sloneckerb, R.A. Shalliker, "Separation of Oligostyrene Isomers in a Complex Mixture Using Two-Dimensional Heart-Cutting Reversed-Phased Chromatography," Journal of Chromatography A, 1028, 247-257 (2004).

89a. J.H. Park, J.W. Lee, S.H. Kwon, J.S. Cha, P.W. Carr, C.V. McNeff, "Separation of Racemic 2,4-Dinitrophenyl Amino Acids on 9-O-(phenyloxycarbonyl)quinine-bonded Carbon-Clad Zirconia in Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography," Journal of Chromatography A, 1050, 151-157 (2004).

89b. M.M Sanagi, H.H. See, W.A. Ibrahim, A.A. Naim, "High Temperature Liquid Chromatography of Triazole Fungicides on Polybutadiene-coated Zirconia Stationary Phase," Journal of Chromatography A, 1059, 95-101 (2004).

89c. H.A. Claessens and M.A. van Straten, "Review on the Chemical and Thermal Stability of Stationary Phases for Reversed-phase Liquid Chromatography," Journal of Chromatography A, 1060(1-2), 23-41 (2004).

90. B. Yan, C.V. McNeff, P.W. Carr, A.V. McCormick, "Synthesis and Characterization of Submicron-to-Micron Scale, Monodisperse, Spherical, and Nonporous Zirconia Particles," J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 88(3), 707-713 (2005).

91. D.R. Stoll, P.W. Carr, "Fast, Comprehensive Two-Dimensional HPLC Separation of Tryptic Peptides Based on High-Temperature HPLC," J. Am. Chem. Soc., 127, 5034 (2005).

91a. M.J. Gray, G.R. Dennis, P.J. Slonecker, R.A. Shalliker, "Utilising Retention Correlation for the Separation of Oligostyrenes by Coupled-column Liquid Chromatography," Journal of Chromatography A, 1073, 3-9 (2005).

92. A. Subramanian, "Chromatographic Purification of MAbs with Non-affinity Supports; Purifying MAbs with Novel Supports Works as well as Protein A," BioPharm International, June 2005, 64-70.

93. M.M. Sanagi, H.H. See, W.A.W. Ibrahim, A.A. Naim, "High Temperature Liquid Chromatography of Tocol-Derivatives on Polybutadiene-Coated Zirconia Stationary Phases," Chromatographia, 61(11/12), 567-571 (2005).

94. J. Murphy, G. Deshpande, "The Use of Zirconium-Based HPLC Columns for Heterocyclic Amines Analysis," American Laboratory, 37(15), 26-27 (2005).

95. G. Srinivasan, A. Kyrlidis, C. McNeff, K. Müller, "Investigation on Conformational Order and Mobility of DiamondBond-C18 and C18-alkyl Modified Silica Gels by Fourier Transform Infrared and Solid-state NMR Spectroscopy," Journal of Chromatography A, 1081, 132-139 (2005).

95a. J.C. Reepmeyer, J.F. Brower, H. Ye, "Separation and Detection of the Isomeric Equine Conjugated Estrogens, Equilin Sulfate and delta8,9-dehydroestrone Sulfate, by Liquid Chromatography-Electrospray-Mass Spectrometry using Carbon-coated Zirconia and Porous Graphitic Carbon Stationary Phases," Journal of Chromatography A, 1083, 42-51 (2005).

95b. S. Sarkar and A. Subramanian, "Modeling of Immunoglobulin Uptake by N,N,N',N'-ethylenediaminetetramethylenephosphonic Acid-modified Zirconia Particles under Static and Dynamic Conditions," Journal of Chromatography B, 821(1), 81-87 (2005).

95c. R. Kucera, J. Sochor, J. Klimeš and J. Dohnal, "Use of the Zirconia-based Stationary Phase for Separation of Ibuprofen and Its Impurities," Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 38(4), 609-618 (2005).

95d. G. Vanhoenacker and P. Sandra, "High Temperature Liquid Chromatography and Liquid Chromatography-mass Spectroscopy Analysis of Octylphenol Ethoxylates on Different Stationary Phases," Journal of Chromatography A, 1082(2), 193-202 (2005).

95e. K. Soukupová, E. Krafková, Jana Suchánková and E. Tesarová, "Comparison of Zirconia- and Silica-based Reversed Stationary Phases for Separation of Enkephalins," Journal of Chromatography A, 1087(1-2), 104-111 (2005).

95f. S. Sarkar, P.W. Carr and A. Subramanian, "Identification of the Mass Transfer Mechanisms Involved in the Transport of Human Immunoglobulin-G in N,N,N',N'-ethylenediaminetetramethylenephosphonic Acid-modified Zirconia," Journal of Chromatography B, 821(2), 124-131 (2005).

96. R.A. Henry, C.V. McNeff, B. Yan, T.R. Hoye, "A Novel Chemical Route to Stable, Regenerable Zirconia-Based Chiral Stationary Phases for HPLC," American Laboratory (News Edition), 37(21), 22-24 (2005).

97. H.K. Kweon and K. Hĺkansson, "Selective Zirconium Dioxide-Based Enrichment of Phosphorylated Peptides for Mass Spectrometric Analysis," Analytical Chemistry, 78(6), 1743 -1749 (2006).

97a. T. Teutenberg, H.-J. Goetze, J. Tuerk, J. Ploeger, T.K. Kiffmeyer, K.G. Schmidt, W. gr. Kohorst, T. Rohe, H.-D. Jansen and H. Weber, "Development and Application of a Specially Designed Heating System for Temperature-programmed High-performance Liquid Chromatography Using Subcritical Water as the Mobile Phase," Journal of Chromatography A, 1114(1), 89-96 (2006).

98. D.R. Stoll, J.D. Cohen, P.W. Carr, "Fast, Comprehensive Online Two-dimensional High Performance Liquid Chromatography through the use of High Temperature Ultra-fast Gradient Elution Reversed-phase Liquid Chromatography," Journal of Chromatography A, 1122, 123-137 (2006).

98a. I.W Kim, S.H. Kwon, C.V. McNeff, P.W. Carr, M.D. Jang, J.H. Park, "9-O-(Phenylcarbamoyl)quinine-bonded Carbon-Clad Zirconia for Chiral Separation of Racemic 2,4-Dinitrophenyl Amino Acids in RPLC", Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 27(4), 589-592 (2006).

98b. F. Cacciola, P. Jandera, E. Blahová, L. Mondello, "Development of Different Comprehensive Two Dimensional Systems for the Separation of Phenolic Antioxidants," Journal of Separation Science, 29(16), 2500-2513 (2006).

98c. A. Subramanian, B. Martinez, J. Holm, P.W. Carr, C.V. McNeff, "A Comparative Study of Monoclonal Antibodies (Mabs) Purified from Cell Culture Supernatant on EDTPA-Modified Zirconia Beads and Protein A-Hyper D Support," Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 29(4), 471-484 (2006).

99. I.W. Kim, H.M. Choi, H.J. Yoon and J.H. Park, "ß-Cyclodextrin-hexamethylene Diisocyanate Copolymer-coated Zirconia for Separation of Racemic 2,4-dinitrophenyl Amino Acids in Reversed-phase Liquid Chromatography," Analytica Chimica Acta, 569(1-2), 151-156 (2006).

100. C. Ovens, D. Sievwright and A.J. Silcock, "Unusual Retention Behaviour of 4-substituted Piperidines on Polybutadiene and Polystyrene Coated Zirconia by Comparison to Reverse Phase Silica," Journal of Chromatography A, 1137(1), 56-62 (2006).

101. V. Žižkovský, R. Kucera and J. Klimeš, "Potential Employment of Non-silica-based Stationary Phases in Pharmaceutical Analysis," Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 44(5), 1048-1055 (2007).

102. S.D. Chambers and C.A. Lucy, "Surfactant Coated Graphitic Carbon Based Stationary Phases for Anion-exchange Chromatography," Journal of Chromatography A, 1176(1-2), 178-184 (2007).

103. S. Pursche, O.G. Ottmann, G. Ehninger and E. Schleyer, "High-performance Liquid Chromatography Method with Ultraviolet Detection for the Quantification of the BCR-ABL Inhibitor Nilotinib (AMN107) in Plasma, Urine, Culture Medium and Cell Preparations," Journal of Chromatography B, 852(1-2), 208-216 (2007).

104. V. Žižkovský, R. Kucera, J. Klimeš and J. Dohnal, "Titania-based Stationary Phase in Separation of Ondansetron and Its Related Compounds," Journal of Chromatography A, online 15 December 2007.

105. C.V. McNeff, B. Yan, D.R. Stoll, R.A. Henry, "Review: Practice and Theory of High Temperature Liquid Chromatography," Journal of Separation Science, 30, 1672-1685 (2007).

106. P. Dugo, K. Buonasera, M. Crupi, F. Cacciola, G. Dugo, L. Mondello, “ Superheated Water as Chromatographic Eluent for Parabens Separation on Octadecyl Coated Zirconia Stationary Phase,” Journal of Separation Science, 30, 1125-1130 (2007).

107. C.V. McNeff, B. Yan, D.R. Stoll, R.A. Henry, “Review: Practice and Theory of High Temperature Liquid Chromatography,” Journal of Separation Science, 30, 1672-1685 (2007).

108.  N. Wu, A. Clausen, “Fundamental and Practical Aspects of Ultrahigh Pressure Liquid Chromatography for Fast Separations,” Journal of Separation Science, 30, 1167-1182 (2007).

109. M. Cuccurullo, G. Schlosser, G. Cacace, L. Malorni, G. Pocsfalvi, “Identification of Phosphoproteins and Determination of Phosphorylation Sites by Zirconium Dioxide Enrichment and SELDI-MS/MS,” Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 42, 1069-1078 (2007).

110. C. Milroy, G. Dennis, R.A. Shalliker, “Ultra-High Resolution Separation of Diastereomers on Carbon Adsorption Stationary Phases,” Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 30, 991-999 (2007).

111. R. Bagnati, G. Bianchi, E. Marangon, E. Zuccato, R. Fanelli, E. Davoli, “Direct Analysis of Isopropylthioxanthone (ITX) in Milk by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry,” Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 21, 1998-2002 (2007).

112. S. Giegold, M. Holzhauser, T. Kiffmeyer, J. Tuerk, T. Teutenberg, M. Rosenhagen, D. Hennies, T. Hoppe-Tichy, B. Wenclawiak, “Influence of the Stationary Phase on the Stability of Thalidomide and Comparison of Different Methods for the Quantification of Thalidomide in Tablets using High-Temperature Liquid Chromatography,” Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 46, 625-630 (2008).

113. P. Skrdla, A. Bopra, T. Chasse, T. Wang,  “A High-Temperature Liquid Chromatographic Reactor Approach for Investigating The Solvolytic Stability of a Pharmaceutical Compound and an Investigation of its Retention Behavior on a C18-Modified Zirconia Stationary Phase,” Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 47, 312-319 (2008).

114. M. Beldean-Galea, P. Jandera, S. Hodisan, “Retention and Separation Selectivity of Natural Phenolic Antioxidants on Zirconia Based Stationary Phases,” Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 31, 807-818 (2008).

115.  G. Vanhoenacker, P. Sandra, “High Temperature and Temperature Programmed HPLC: Possibilities and Limitations,” Analytical and Bioanaytical Chemistry, 390, 245 – 258 (2008).

116. Z. Hao, B. Xiao, N. Weng, “ Impact of Column Temperature and Mobile Phase Components on Selectivity of Hydrophilic Interaction Chromatography (HILIC),” Journal of Separation Science, 31, 1449-1464 (2008).

117. B. Wenclawiak, S. Giegold, T. Teutenberg, “Mini-Review: High-Temperature Liquid Chromatography,” Analytical Letters, 41, 1097-1105 (2008).

118.  P. Kalafut, R. Kucera, J. Klimes, J. Sochor, “An Innovative Approach to the Analysis of 3-[4-(2-methylpropyl)phenyl]propanoic Acid as an Impurity of Ibuprofen on a Carbon-Coated Zirconia Stationary Phase,” Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 49, 1150-1156 (2009).

119. N. Sugiyama, T. Masuda, K. Shinoda, A. Nakamura, M. Tomita, Y. Ishihama, “ Phosphopeptide Enrichment by Aliphatic Hydroxy Acid-modified Metal Oxide Chromatography for Nano-LC-MS/MS in Proteomics Applications,” Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, 1103-1109 (2009).

120. R. A. Shalliker, “Two-dimensional HPLC Analysis of Oligostyrenes: Comprehensive and Online Heart-cutting Techniques,” Journal of Separation Science, 32, 2903-2911 (2009).

121. Janeckova, K. Kalikova, Z. Bosakova, E. Tesarova, “Study of Interaction Mechanisms on Zirconia-based Polystyrene HPLC Column,” Journal of Separation Science, 33, 3043-3051 (2010).

122. M. Mazanek, E. Roitinger, O. Hudecz, J. Hutchins, B. Hegemann, G. Mitulovic, T. Taus, C. Stingl, J. Peters, K. Mechtler, “A New Acid Mix Enhances Phosphopeptide Enrichment on Titanium- and Zirconium Dioxide for Mapping of Phosphorylation Sites on Protein Complexes,” Journal of Chromatography B, 878, 515-524 (2010).

123. M. Lee, J. Gwon, J. H. Park, “Enantioseparation of Neutral Compounds on a Quinine Carbamate-Immobilized Zirconia in Reversed-Phase Capillary Electrochromatography,” Bulletin of Korean Chemical Society, 31, 82-86 (2010).

124. A. Gonzalvez, B. Preinerstorfer, “Selective Enrichment of Phosphatidylcholines from Food and Biological Matrices Using Metal Oxides as Solid-phase Extraction Materials Prior to Analysis by HPLC-ESI-MS/MS,” Anals of Bioanalytical Chemistry, 396, 2965-2975 (2010).

125. M. F. Wahab, C. A. Pohl, C. Lucy, “Ion Chromatography on Carbon Clad Zirconia Modified by Diazonium Chemistry and Functionalized Latex Particles,” Royal Society of Chemistry, DOI: 10.1039/c1an15284j (2011).

126. R. Berta, M. Babjak, M. Gazdag, “A Study of Some Practical Aspects of High Temperature Liquid Chromatography in Pharmceutical Applications,” Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 54, 458-462 (2011).



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