Guard Columns The ZirChrom guard column system is comprised of one guard column insert and one guard column holder. Guard column inserts are available using all ZirChrom packing materials. They are disposable and sold in packs of 3. Guard column holders are reusable and universal to all ZirChrom packings. Important Note: The ZirChrom guard column system should not be used at temperatures exceeding 70 degrees Celsius. For applications above 70 degrees Celsius ZirChrom now offers short (2 cm) all-stainless steel pre-columns. NOW
AVAILABLE - Short ZirChrom Columns for UFHTLC ZirChrom now offers short (2 cm) all-stainless steel pre-columns for ultra-fast high temperature reversed-phase liquid chromatography. These columns are only sold in sets of two. Mix and match ZirChrom chemistries if you like! Contact ZirChrom technical support at 1-866-STABLE-1 for more details, or feel free to contact us online.